Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Canos Island

Snorkling and hanging out at the beach.

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Sunday, March 19, 2006

In the jungle

It was hot and this waterfall was a pleasant spot to rest and cool off.
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In the rain forest

A large part of the Osa Peninsula is composed of Corcovado National Park that boasts incredible biodiversity with close to 400 species of birds, 140 mammals and 500 species of trees. There are also 239 varieties of snakes (no pictures)

Cashews, bats, large insects, walking trees were seen on our hike. I want a cashew tree in my yard!
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Saturday, March 18, 2006

Dianne's Birthday

The bay was visited by its namesake in 1579 when Sir Francis Drake was on his global circumnavigation. Drake Bay lodge straddles a green space between the wildlife rich Agujitas River and Drake Bay. We stayed in comfortable cabanas 20 paces from the surf amid gardens of glorious tropical flowers. Hammocks are strategically laced between palm trees. Just right for a birthday afternoon.

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After landing we were loaded into a small boat and crossed a lagoon about 100m wide. We disembarked, walked over a sand dune and boarded a larger boat for the trip across the bay. It beats bouncing over rough roads in a land cruiser for 30 minutes! Posted by Picasa

Bahia Drake International Airport

We landed in a small swathe in the jungle. The runway is gravel. If you can't stop its a wet landing in the lagoon.

Baggage handling

The terminal building

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Friday, March 17, 2006

San Jose

The street in front of our hotel in the old section of San Jose. We were on route to the Osa Peninsula

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The Central Market

the national theatre

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Playa Samara

This turned out to be a great spot. It is run by a couple originally from Republic, Washington (south of Grand Forks). The road behind the buildings was an adventure. I had to walk through a flock of vultures to get to the corner store. They don't pay much attention to living things! The things you do for beer!

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Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Zip Lines

Erika and Peter went on the zip lines. One way of earning tourist dollars from the 'no fear' crowd without damaging the environment. It was a rush. Especially the line that is 600m long and 300m high as it crosses the valley.
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