Saturday, March 11, 2006

Costa Rica - March 11-23rd

The Trip

We landed in San Jose then took a mini bus to Fortuna. The next stop was the Montverde region. Next on the agenda was some beach time at Playa Samara. Following that we braved the Pan American highway and travelled back to San Jose by bus. Our next hop to the Osa Peninsula was by air.

La Fortuna

Here we are after travelling for 18 hours. A very comfortable motel like room complete with bathroom. Everything is made of concrete including the railing. Not the chair :-)

The view from the window! Our own live volcano, Mt Arenal. Last time it got upset 87 people died. Apparently we have 10 minutes to clear the area if that happens. The Tabacon and Baldi Hot Springs at the base of Mt Arenal have only a 5 minute evacuation time and all vehicles must reverse into parking spots for a quick get away.

Imagine a LeMans start while molten lava falls around you and you get the picture . There was no excitement while we were there apart from small lava flows visible only at night. The hot springs at the base of the mountain are great, more about that later.

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